Mini Player
Brand extension studio project with Forpeople, UK.
*Received commendation by Forpeople:
“Lovely concept. Merging the heritage and modernity of mini. Brings the idea of small through really well.”
4 Week Project
Initial Brief
The objective of this project was to propose an area of extension for Mini, UK based on primary and secondary research.
Key Research Findings
Survey Results
Mini: Existing Target Audience
Mini: Brand Philosophies
Primary Research
"Bring people together and create shared experiences."
"Underscore the basic idea of clarity and authenticity."
"Clash of tradition and zeitgeist"
"Mini logo shows it's quality and benefits from the contrast between tradition and modernity"
"What comes to your mind when you think of the brand Mini?"
1. Urban. 2. British. 3. Nostalgic. 4. Fun
Young Professionals
Gender Balanced
Stylish & Trendy
Refined Brief
Design a product to be used by Urban, British, Young Professionals for the brand Mini.
Product Proposal: Portable Electronics or Speakers
Mini Living: “Bring people together and create shared experiences”
Music always brings people together, it creates a fun and energetic environment.
City Surfer: “We believe that Mini is about clever mobility”
Mini is all about transport, fun and adventure. Having a portable outdoor speaker will enhance the experience of travelling with friends/family.
Mini: Visual Language
Initial Concept Boards
Vinyl Player or Speaker?
Decision Making Point
Final verdict: Vinyl players were chosen as the most suitable brand extension product for Mini, UK. This is because they are a better embodiment of mini brand philosophies and key words.
Prototypes: User Feedback
Concept 1
Concept 2
Concept 3
Key Feedback Points
Most users liked concept 3 the most.
Users requested for mini speakers to be sold with the vinyl player that could be sold as a collection.
Users were hesitant to make the product portable as vinyl records are very fragile. Hence the product was focused on being an indoor centrepiece to a social gathering.
Users like the compact size of the player as it’s saves space and is easy to transport when relocating homes.